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Ornament paper bag

2022-04-26 17:21:47
Ornament paper bag
Detailed introduction:

Jewelry tote bag, characterized by moderate fastness. Because coated paper has high whiteness and gloss, good printability, designers can boldly use various pictures and color blocks, and the advertising effect is good

The design of handbags generally requires simplicity and generosity. In the design of handbags, the front of the handbags is generally based on the company's logo and company name, or the company's business philosophy. Or the impression of the product, to obtain a good publicity effect, tote bag printing has a great effect on expanding sales, establishing a brand, stimulating purchase desire and enhancing competitiveness. For the premise of the design and printing strategy of handbags, the establishment of corporate image has an important role that cannot be ignored. As the basis of design composition, it is very important to grasp the psychology of form. From the perspective of visual psychology, people hate monotonous and uniform forms and pursue various changes. The printing of handbags should reflect the distinctive characteristics of the company.

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